Wow! I received an overwhelming amount of interest on my sunscreen spray post last week. With all the side-conversations happening, I thought I should let the rest of the readers in on this accidental forum.
I was chatting with my friend Dara of Ayla Beauty, and she brought up a really good point – something that I should have mentioned when writing the original post – not all aerosol sunscreen sprays contain nanoparticles. If a sunscreen does not contain nanoparticles, the company will surely boast that fact somewhere on the label, as they have been a known danger for some time now. Personally, all aerosol sunscreen sprays freak me out a little bit: no matter how hard I try to hold my breath, I feel like I end up inhaling some of the product when I spray. However, on the flip side, if you are a little lazy and are more likely to skip sunscreen all together rather than lube up the old-fashioned way, try MD Solar Sciences Quick Dry Body Spray SPF 40. The EWG rates it a 3 on a danger scale of 1-10, and they are sticklers. I would definitely rather use something that is a “3” than wind up with skin cancer from over-exposure.
Also, The Honest Company just came out with an aerosol spray sunscreen. And The Honest Company is Clean, right? So, is it safe for kids? Well, that depends on what you consider safe. It is free of nanoparticles and the ingredients list looks pretty good to me. The EWG also rates this product a 3. I am still concerned about little ones inhaling the fumes as they are being sprayed down. I think that as long as your child is old enough to understand how to hold his or her breath, it is reasonably safe to use. I, personally, wouldn’t use it on a tiny tot. Or, I would spray it on my hands and then rub it into my child’s skin.
I would like to say that while I keep my home and family as Clean and Green as I can, I have to remind myself, and you, that perfection is not possible! Living a conscious lifestyle is not about being a perfection-crazed lunatic, it is about being aware of the dangers around us and making educated decisions and purchases when we have the power to do so. It is also an on-going process, so be kind to yourself, okay?
Do the best you can, until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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