No, this isn’t Hamlet, but this IS BIG NEWS: On Saturday, April 27, all Whole Foods stores in the Southeast are offering a 30% discount on all personal care, beauty, vitamin, and wellness products. My advice? Take a look at “This isn’t Pretty”, make a list, and stock up. Whole Foods only does this about twice a year.
For those of you in other areas of the country, you should call and ask when your region will offer this promotion so you can start saving up!
Happy Shopping and Happy Weekend!
Next week: Toothpaste, Deodorant, Sunscreen, and more!
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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