Hey there, Bare Beauties. Today, my friend, Chassity at Look Linger Love featured my Green Beauty Summer Must-Have’s. Head on over there to check them out!
Also, did you see that even the gals at the Zoe Report are converting to nontoxic beauty?
In other news, did you know that over 75 food brands still line their cans with BPA? The Environmental Working Group is trying to change that. Read more about which brands use BPA, which don’t, why it’s so important* and take action by signing the petition that demands that these companies stop using this dangerous chemical.
*Bisphenol A has been shown to mimic thyroid and sex hormones in people and animals. It has been associated with a wide variety of health problems, including altered brain and nervous system development and changes in the reproductive system. Much of the evidence of BPA toxicity is based on laboratory animal studies, where low exposures to BPA during pregnancy or early life can permanently affect fertility, behavior and body size and can predispose animals to later life cancers (Vandenberg 2013). There is less than definitive evidence of BPA toxicity to people, but observational studies associate BPA exposure with a host of issues, including behavioral changes in children and diseases like obesity and heart disease. While it is not clear how much BPA ingestion is harmful to humans, the existing evidence suggests that the developing fetus and young child are most at risk. Children cannot metabolize and excrete BPA as quickly and efficiently as adults (Edginton 2009, Ginsberg 2009). Detoxified BPA can be reactivated as it passes through the placenta to the fetus (Corbel 2015).
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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