Thank you so much for all of your good vibes, well wishes and prayers. Annabel Braden Morse arrived at 2:25am on November 27th, one day before she was due. I think the only other day I felt this blessed in my entire life was the day I married my husband, Richard. I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but I really feel like I have everything I have ever wanted – how often do we get to feel that way?
It has been what seems like a long journey to meet sweet Annabel. I miscarried in July of 2012 and it made me want a baby more than ever. Determined to try the natural path before I turned to any hormones or other fertility drugs, I decided to eat as Clean as humanly possible, exercise more often (to reduce stress), get more sleep and start going to weekly acupuncture appointments. (Side-note: I absolutely do not judge anyone who pursues other routes to pregnancy – I certainly would have taken further actions to become pregnant if it had been necessary.) I know my husband and I had something to do with it, but I basically credit my incredible acupuncturist, Polly Christy, for getting me pregnant. Every week, she listened to my body and to me – really listened – and treated me accordingly. She also gave me invaluable advice, like, “stay home and build your nest”. Richard and I love to travel and have a good time, but we needed to slow down; we just didn’t know it. That was hard advice for two young, impatient, social people to follow, but the end result was well worth the wait.
I have to say that labor was basically a breeze. All in all, it was five hours from start to finish and I only pushed for fifteen minutes. It could have been sheer luck, but I do believe that the fact that I took excellent care of myself during my pregnancy had something to do with it. THERE, I said it. I spoiled myself, okay? I exercised, slept late when possible, received acupuncture, and spent money on organic groceries and herbal remedies. And you know what? I would do it again, and I would advise any other pregnant gal to do the same within her budget and schedule. At the time I often felt guilty and overindulgent, but we are sacred vessels during pregnancy and it’s important to take care of ourselves. Besides, our own needs will come second to our children’s for years to come, so I say do it while you can.
As I’ve said before, I will be slowing down for a bit while we find a new routine, but I promise to post some great reading material every week. Bare Beauty is not going anywhere!
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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