Operation Lose Baby Weight Wednesday


Tonight, (Tuesday) we are staying with my in-laws, who are blessed with a generator.  Just a half inch of ice on power lines and roads will totally shut down Charleston, so we packed up for what felt like all day (why does a nine pound baby need more luggage than I do, BTW?) to drive five minutes to stay for one night.  It seems crazy, but it’s kind of fun.  I feel like we’re on a camping adventure.  And this is my kind of camping.

Since I won’t be going to my interval training class tomorrow morning, I figured I should plan an at-home, no-equipment-needed workout.

Try this!  All you need is your own body weight and some drive.

50 Mountain Climbers  (25 R, 25 L)

25 Jump Squats or Classic Squats

15 Pushups

20 Alternating Lunges (stepping forward or backward 10 times each side)

5 Burpees

Repeat this sequence 2-4 times.   Warning:  you’ll want to vomit.  But that’s better then feeling fat and worthless.  How’s that for motivation?

Also, I’m posting from my iPhone, so I apologize if anything looks funky when you read this  post!
