Yes, I am skipping Operation Lose Baby-Weight Wednesday again. I lost another two pounds and now I only (ha! only!) have ten more pounds to go until I am at my goal weight. I’m sure you are just as ready for me to stop talking about it as I am, but I’ll keep you posted anyway.
On to that beautiful black and gold package above. I used a different brand of argan oil (that many swear by) last week and it broke me out in tiny little red bump/zit/rash things. It was a problem. Enter: The Problem Solver by May Lindstrom Skin. It aims to purify & tightens pores, extinguish inflammations, fight & heal blemishes, jump-start circulation in the epidermis & detoxify the skin. I’ve been meaning to try this for some time now, as I am a big fan of The Good Stuff. However, it is not a mask you really want to wear in front of your lover (or even your baby – Annabel freaked when she saw me and it made me think of the movie scene below).
When I opened the jar, one whiff made me want a chai latte – key ingredients include cacao powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and turmeric. (You are seriously going to want to lick your own face.) The clay and bamboo charcoal mask is packaged in powder form so it never dries up inside its container. You actually have to mix a tablespoon of water and a tablespoon of powder together (gasp) yourself. But, it was actually kind of relaxing and fun to mix the ingredients up into a mousse and paint it on my face. And the results! The best part. Forty-five minutes later, when the whole mask was finally dry, I rinsed it off to find my skin GLOWING and the irritation had decreased substantially. Bare Beauty-approved. Cost: $90 for 250 ml. Purchase it here.
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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