I receive emails almost daily from readers wondering about The Honest Company. Is it legit? Are they guilty of green-washing? Do their products work? I’ve been doing my homework and I have some answers for you.
I finally read Jessica Alba’s book, The Honest Life, and I think it is a great place to start for those who are new to the Clean Green movement. I also think it is a good book for new mothers to read. There are a lot of sneaky chemicals out there making their way into our homes and we must educate ourselves about them.
I believe that Alba genuinely cares about this cause and is not just a company figurehead/pretty celebrity endorser. She has done her research and is quite knowledgeable about Clean living. The young company has also been quick to reformulate products when they learn of a questionable ingredient present in one of their products. Conclusion: The Honest Company is legit and it is not guilty of green-washing. I also love how transparent their website and labels are. Companies are not required to fully list ingredients on cleaning products. The Honest Company voluntarily lists every single ingredient in every single one of their products.
However, the Honest Company is not perfect. Their hand soap and dish soap contain phenoxyethanol, so I won’t be using those. The laundry detergent contains it, too, but since it is one of the last ingredients listed and it’s thoroughly rinsed out of the laundry (instead of being directly absorbed into your skin as with the hand and dish soap) I’ll give it a pass. Overall, their products are definitely Cleaner than 95% of what is sold in Target or your local grocery store they definitely stack up well against other natural, Clean brands.
Although I have not personally tried them yet, many of my friends have raved about The Honest Company’s Diapers. They claim that they work and fit very well and never cause diaper rash. They are free of chlorine processing, latex, lotions, fragrances, common allergens, phthalates, optical brighteners, PVC, heavy metals, organotins (MBT, DBT, TBT) & harsh petrochemical additives. And they come in the cutest designs!
I also really like the Healing Balm and Body Lotion as well as the Body Oil. How about you? Have any of the Honest Company products changed your life, or at least your mind?
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