Happy Friday! Two weeks ago, we were skiing at The Homestead with friends and we had the best time. I had a fall (or two), nothing serious, I mean, I was laughing while falling. However, I bruise so badly and so easily, that by the following day, my hip, leg and bum looked like I was hit by a speeding automobile.
This weekend, we are going to Harbor Island and I am NOT about to bare a black-and-blue bottom. (I am fully aware that this post already sounds very bratty. #champagneproblems) Last week, I remembered that I had a sample of Plantlife Relieve Arnica Gel, so I’ve been slathering the bruised area with it twice a day, hoping it would work a miracle. I really wish I had taken before and after photos. The bruises are completely GONE.
What is Arnica? Good question. The short answer is that it is the homeopathic (read: original) version of Icy Hot or Bio-Freeze. The long answer: Arnica is a flowering plant found in Europe that increases circulation by stimulating white blood cell activity, thereby decreasing the amount of healing time and reducing inflammation and bruising.
Plantlife Arnica Gel is absorbed quickly and isn’t at all greasy, so it’s perfect to apply before bedtime or ever right before you dress for the day; no stains, no oily mess. It’s also great for sore muscles and some swear by it when it comes to post-surgery and post-childbirth. I can tell you one thing, it’s a miracle worker for the common bruise. Cost: $18. Purchase it here.
Have a great weekend! I’ll be posting some pretty pics from Harbor Island, follow along on Instagram! @barebeautyblog
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.
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