Well, hello, stranger! You may have been wondering where I’ve been, or maybe you’ve been too busy to notice. Either way, I kind of took an unplanned hiatus from the blog over the last two weeks. I have about one thousand unanswered emails, my Google Analytics and Instagram engagement probably suffered a lot, and you know what? I. Don’t. Care. Running a blog is a little like being an editor, buyer, photographer, stylist, writer, publicist and analyst, all at once, who never takes a vacation. I’m certainly not complaining; I really love what I do, but I can’t deny that once you decide to commit to it as a career, it gets pretty intense and almost all-consuming. I find that when I occasionally (and spontaneously) say “f#$% it”, I feel so much better; I end up with a clear head and create better content as a whole, even if it means taking a hit in the short term. I mean, what’s the point of being your own boss if you can’t call the shots, right?
Over the last week or so, I did all those non-blog-related things that have been nagging at me and piling up, both literally and figuratively, in my space. I also caught up with friends and family, and I spent some real quality time with my husband and children. On Monday, I turned 35. I was kind of dreading this birthday, to be honest. After giving birth eleven weeks ago, I’ve been feeling old, tired, (sooo tired) fat, haggard, and while I am very happy, I’ve definitely not been in a celebratory mood. But something surprised me – it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had. We went to Kiawah Island with our best friends (Lauren and I have been partners in crime since we were 16, and she and her husband, Sam, introduced Richard and me. We even had our daughters, who are also best friends, a month apart. Basically, we are in this thing for life.) The kiddos played on the beach, we ate great food, drank a lot of wine and just relaxed. It was glorious. For our anniversary, Richard and I got away on Tuesday for an hour and took the boat out, just the two of us. It wasn’t grand or elaborate, but it was perfect. Life is different with kids, especially two. It’s not all about us anymore, and I’m okay with that (most of the time).

A few things that I’ve been loving lately:

Eco Tan makes my favorite self-tanning products, and boy did I need them in preparation for the beach last weekend. I love their Face Tan Water, which acts like a toner, so it doesn’t disrupt the rest of your skincare routine, day or night. Just shake a little on a cotton pad and wipe all over the face and neck after cleansing, and go about the rest of your regimen as usual. Eco Tan’s Invisible Tan is also amazing. It sinks right in and isn’t greasy at all. The color they both leave behind is very natural and realistic, and the ingredients are very clean. Use my personal discount code, BAREBEAUTY, for a 10% discount on those and anything else at Safe & Chic.
Obviously, I had to exfoliate my entire body before applying. When I’m not pregnant or nursing, I dry brush religiously, but it’s technically a detoxification modality, so I’m abstaining at the moment. Instead, I’ve been using Kahina’s Moroccan Beldi Soap and Kessa Mit. Nothing else makes my skin so soft and smooth in just one use. It’s a really amazing duo, and it makes self tanner develop evenly and last longer.
I don’t get a lot of manicures these days, but I’ve found THE perfect sheer, neutral light pink, No. 2, from Sundays. It looks good on tips and toes, and it lasts forever. Love it. Use my personal discount code, BB10, for 10% off at LeVert Beauty.
And last, my favorite skincare line, True Botanicals, has launched an incredible new product, Pre Cleanse Oil. I am obsessed. Many of you know that I am True Botanicals devotee, but prior to this new release I could not live without my One Love Organics Vitamin B Enzyme Cleansing Oil. True Botanicals finally created their own, which is just as amazing as OLO’s. It is silky, not greasy, and it’s the perfect way to remove makeup and moisturize before cleansing at night. If you’re a first time customer, use my personal discount code, JESSICATRUE20, to get $20 off orders over $40.
So, I guess I’m back. 🙂 I’ve got lots of good stuff coming at you soon: water filters, new makeup, Mother’s Day giveaways, and more. Stay tuned.
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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