I’m baaaaaaack! Last week, I took a much-needed babymoon (I hate that term) with my hubby to the Sanctuary on Kiawah Island. It was Heaven. So relaxing. I received the best facial ever at the spa there. If you ever go, ask for Shawn; she is amazing and very knowledgeable about holistic and Clean skincare. She used a lot of Naturopathica products, which I loved, bought up, and am testing right this very minute.
Then, on Wednesday, I went to A Night of Green Beauty, a Fashion Week event held at James Corbett Studio in NYC. I met so many wonderful, talented people and got to sample some amazing products! I will be posting more extensively on that tomorrow.
Today, my amazing girlfriends in Charleston threw me a beautiful baby shower; the love and gratitude I felt was overwhelming. It was such a sweet day and my baby girl has got some very cute gear coming her way. I gave my hostesses goody bags of bare-beauty-approved loot as a thank you and one of the products I included was the Konjac Sponge, which I have been loving.
The Konjac Sponges Company ensures sustainable, earth-friendly sponges that cleanse your skin while gently balancing its natural pH levels. They are made from pure Konjac fibre (a pure vegetable fibre from the root of the Amorphophallus konjac plant) with pure french clays and pure charcoal from bamboo. The Konjac plant has minimal impact on the planet’s resources as it is a highly sustainable plant.
These sponges are soft, but are great at gently exfoliating the skin and removing makeup. There is one for every skin type, ranging from break-out-prone to mature and dry. Each type contains a natural clay that improves the skin’s condition. I’ve been using the charcoal sponge for problem skin and I really like it. The sponge is antibacterial, disposable and lasts about a month. The concept and packaging is wonderfully quirky and Asian and the product is 100% natural. What’s not to love? Cost: about $9. Purchase it here.
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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