Well, hello there. So, this mother-of-two thing is harder than it looks…. The first two weeks after Woody was born, we had some extra help, and I had a little time to squeeze in a blog post here and there. Now $#!+ is getting real, and I am no longer running on adrenaline, and the fact that I am not a napper is really catching up to me. I forgot how exhausting nursing around the clock is; it’s not just the fact that you don’t get much sleep, your body is also working so hard to produce milk and your hormones are raging. I am just pooped, but one look at that precious babe’s face reminds me that this time is also so special. We are 99% sure Woody will be our last baby, so I’m trying to enjoy the chaos that is our life right now. 🙂
Today on Mama Mondays, let’s talk about Branch to Nature’s Thyme Collection. These products are safe for pregnancy and nursing, very effective for breakout-prone skin and they are super-affordable. My sister has been using this line for about a year now, and her sometimes-problem-skin looks great Of course, I decided I had to test it too, and I found it to be a very good value. While my skin is has been clear lately, it was interesting to note that I didn’t have any adverse reactions to this line; I didn’t break out, the products weren’t overly-drying, and my skin felt very…. calm. Studies have shown Thyme to have a powerful effect on acne-prone skin that is similar to that of Benzoyl Peroxide (the active ingredient in Pro Activ).
Tonight I’m teaming up with Branch to Nature to give away the entire Branch to Nature Thyme Collection on Instagram – tune in around 9pm EST!
And, now I will crowd-source. Mamas: what was your #1 mom-hack that saved you time, or sanity, or anything (!) while you were nursing?
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