A little over a year ago, I discovered a cool-Parisian-girl beauty secret. I have to admit that I was pretty skeptical about the best-selling French supplement, Biocyte Hyaluronic Forté, but Dara at Ayla Beauty assured me that it made a big difference for her personally; she didn’t need a heavy-duty moisturizer anymore. (Plus, I know she is super-smart and does tons of research.) Biocyte is a hyaluronic acid tablet. As you may know, hyaluronic acid is actually a natural structural component of skin, and, in fact, is present in connective tissue throughout the human body. It is considered to have a greater capacity to hold moisture than any other natural or synthetic polymer, making it an incredibly effective anti-aging ingredient (skin loses moisture as we age). Hyaluronic Acid makes skin appear more plump, minimizes the look of fine lines and generally helps with skin dehydration. You’ll see hyaluronic acid in many topical formulas, but when taken internally, 80% of this tablet’s plant-based hyaluronic acid is absorbed by the bloodstream, and the results are pretty undeniable. I took an entire package over the course of one month (1 tablet every morning), but I forgot to reorder, and Ayla, the only US retailer of this product, was sold out for a week or so. All in all, I hadn’t taken a tablet in about three weeks. I hadn’t given it much thought, and one morning, I realized that a few scars (depressions from too many cortisone injections during my cystic acne days) were back. Like, I forgot I had them, and here they were again. I thought that I had to be imagining this; how can these tablets practically erase these pitted scars? Well, here I am a month later, and guess what? I can barely see them. Now I know why French women age so well! I CANNOT WAIT until I can take these again (I’m not taking them while pregnant or nursing, just in case).
Biocyte recently released a second product, Activ Inpulp, which takes the Hyaluronic Forté results to the next level. If your skin is going through an “OMG I am so dry and itchy and red and old-looking and I can’t even” moment, it might just be your skincare savior. While the hyaluronic acid-filled Hyaluronic Forte is the supplement recommended for dehydrated skin that’s seeing the first signs of aging, Activ Inpulp is for you if your skin is particularly dry, redness-prone, or well into the aging process. It features a plant-derived ingredient called Glycoserum EF, which contains phytoceramides, glycolipids, and phospholipids that hone in on dry, itchy, ruddy skin and significantly reduce wrinkles. Taking the two of these supplements together ensures both moisture and hydration; while I haven’t been able to test this one myself, I believe it them when the ladies at Ayla rave about a product – they are picky (in the best way possible, of course)!
Check my Instagram feed (@barebeautyblog) tonight around 9pm EST for a chance to win a package each of the Hyaluronic Forté and Activ Inpulp!
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