So often, the people behind the brands I review are so lovely, so passionate and so intelligent, that I am truly humbled to call this my job. Pair that with a product that actually does what it claims to do, and I’m left (almost) speechless. This is one of those times.
Susanne Norwitz has a master’s degree from Harvard University, used to head up the speech-writing department for former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and has held senior communications positions at Fortune-100 companies. A smart cookie to say the least. However, she left that fast-paced life behind for something that has pulled at her since childhood – the Maya people of Guatemala. Susanne’s father, a surgeon, traveled there to perform cleft-palate operations when she was a child. Years later, Susanne became stepmother to her husband’s children, who were born in Guatemala.
Knowing that chia is an incomparable nutritional powerhouse coupled with the desire she and her husband had to give back to the Maya people, Maya Chia was born. And, we are all lucky it was, because it is a game-changer!
Many of you probably realize that I am very hesitant to try too many different skincare products in a short period of time. I’m always fearful that my complexion will go haywire (I’ve had terrible cystic acne in the past.) I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I love this product line. It is simply a skin-superfood.
Named one of the 9 Best Clean Face Oils by goop, Maya Chia’s Pure Supercritical Omega-3 Chia Oil is one of the most light-weight face serums I’ve ever tried. It is absorbed in an instant. However, it’s also incredibly moisturizing. I can’t think of a skin type that wouldn’t benefit from it. Chia is the richest known plant source of omegas, antioxidants and minerals in the world, so it’s wonderful for those with aging skin, but it’s also great for those who need to balance combination skin or those with sensitive skin, as it contains only 2% essential oils.
If you want to step it up a notch, The Super Couple Ultra Luxe Face Serum pairs the same chia oil with the natural antioxidant astaxanthin (from a micro algae plant), which is 65x stronger that Vitamin C and 14X stronger that Vitamin E in combating free radicals. Together, they increase firmness and resiliency as well as inhibit melanin production, increasing brightness and tone. It’s also pink in color, so while it’s improving my skin in the long-term, my complexion is truly glowing (it kind of saved my ego on New Year’s Day).
I also love Maya Chia’s The Revitalizer Body Oil. Unlike many body oils, it is light and absorbs quickly, and it smells great. However, the main ingredient is still supercritical chia oil, which will keep your legs looking younger, longer.
What sets Maya Chia apart: Maya Chia’s oils contain all-natural, non-gmo supercritical chia oil prepared using their own patented, gentle supercritical process to extract the oil to ensure its purity, potency and to retain all its benefits. Maya Chia also gives 10% of their profits to Adopt-a-Village in Guatemala, which improves the health, education and economic conditions of the Maya people.
Smart, Clean, Superfood skincare – that works – with a big heart, to boot.
AND…. I’m teaming up with Maya Chia for a serious GIVEAWAY tonight AT 9pmEST on Instagram. Follow me @barebeautyblog.
I’ve spent almost a decade immersed in the world of green beauty and nontoxic living. I want to help you find everything from a killer lipstick to a nontoxic laundry detergent, and beyond. Subscribe to a healthier lifestyle with me.

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