S.W. Basics Eco Cotton Rounds


Sometimes the simplest things are the best things.  Take, for instance, S.W. Basics’ Eco Cotton Rounds.  The founder of S.W. Basics, Adina Grigore, liked using cotton balls to apply cleanser, toner and makeup remover – until she found out how bad industrial cotton farming is the for the environment.  She and her team found a U.S. manufacturer to make certified organic, unbleached reusable cotton rounds and now we can all save ourselves about $50 (a year’s worth of disposable cotton) as well as the planet.  I personally love to use them for double cleansing and applying hot and cold compresses.  There are 8 rounds per bag; one for every day of the week plus laundry day.  Just stick them in the little wash bag that they are packaged in and toss in the wash.  Simple.  Genius.  Cost: about $22.  Purchase them here.
