9 years ago

Lola, Lo-lo-lo-lo-Lola….

Do you know what’s in your tampon?  Cotton!  …Right?  Sadly, no.  Most conventional tampons include rayon, polyester, synthetic fragrance and dye among other toxins in their product – a product that happens to sit inside of your body for hours.  The FDA does not regulate the ingredients in or composition of tampons, and it does not require manufacturers…

9 years ago

The Kids are Alright

Happy Friday, Bare Beauties!  As you can see, Annabel is pretty obsessed with her new Jack n’ Jill toothbrush and toothpaste.  She requests to brush her teeth several times a day, and I’m sometimes tempted to just give her the whole tube to buy myself 20 minutes of freedom.  I don’t, but I could, because I know it’s…

9 years ago

Hair Ages, Too…

As if you weren’t worried enough that your skin is aging, your eyes are aging, your a$$ is aging….  I’ve got news: your hair is aging, too.  Conventional shampoo and conditioner aren’t helping matters – they are drying out your hair and poisoning your ultra-porous scalp with Sodium Laureth Sulfate, parabens, phthalates, and they contain countless carcinogenic…

9 years ago

Last Minute Labor Day Deals!

I can honestly say, “Happy Monday!” to you today.  Aren’t three-day weekends the best?!  To celebrate the Labor Movement, I’ve got a few sales to share with you. You can save up to 20% off your order at The Detox Market today.  Coupon codes are above and my shopping cart is below: Josh Rosebrook Firm Hold Hairspray won’t let…

9 years ago

Thrive Market Saved my Marriage

Happy Good For You Friday!  Raise your hand if you’ve ever spent too much money at Whole Foods.  Okay, that’s everyone.  I am absolutely grateful for Whole Foods, but the store hasn’t been nicknamed “Whole Paycheck” for nothing.  In our home, the grocery bill is always a point of contention.  While my husband understands and supports the…

9 years ago

A Little Catch Up

Did you forget about me?  Because I almost did – well, at least the Bare Beauty “me”.  We’ve been out of town the last five weekends, and last week, we took a family vacation to Nantucket, and – gasp – unplugged!  Now that I’m back, and I am  inundated with boxes of unopened product, a million unanswered…

9 years ago

It’s All About Ahnesti Haircare

Imagine a shampoo and conditioner that leave your hair shiny, swingy, nourished, manageable and smelling great, but they contain ZERO toxic ingredients.  Ahnesti Haircare (pronounced “honesty”) has answered my prayers.  To top it off, during the month of August, when you buy one Ahnesti product, you’ll get the second 50% off at The Choosy Chick! For a long time, I’ve been…