8 years ago

Back to Basics with True Botanicals

Every January, there is talk of detoxing and new beginnings, and while I am so NOT detoxing at 36.5 weeks pregnant, I can always get on board with recommending clean replacements for toxic bath, body and haircare products.  True Botanicals makes some of my favorite not-so-basic basics.  They offer totally clean, totally effective formulas that also provide…

8 years ago

Mama Mondays: Sophie La Girafe Skincare

  Hi there!  I haven’t done a Mama Mondays post in a while, so I thought I’d check in really quick and tell you about a line that we have been loving at our house lately.  Every mother knows of Sophie La Girafe, the iconic French teething toy that is at once nontoxic, super-cute, stimulating and ergonomically…

8 years ago

Feeling Pale and Blah?

January is the worst month; you’re fat and broke from the holidays, it’s cold and dark 24/7, and you’re paler than ever.  It’s just such a struggle.  And, if you’re 35.5 pregnant on top of that, you might be feeling even worse about yourself!  First world problems, I know.  Whenever I’m feeling this way, (like, every January)…

8 years ago

Stock Up! Acure Organics on Sale

Hi!  If your New Year’s Resolution is to better watch your bottom line, or to finally make the transition to clean beauty, you’re in luck.  The Choosy Chick and I are teaming up to give you a great sale on Acure Organics, so take a moment and stock up. Acure has long been my very favorite affordable…

8 years ago

January’s Beauty Hero: Maya Chia

Happy New Year, Bare Beauties!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday with the people you love and I hope you got some rest, too.  I must thank you for letting me go M.I.A. for two weeks – I really needed a break.  Christmas was super magical for Annabel this year, which made pushing my third-trimester-self to…

8 years ago

Amazon at the Last Minute: Fun Nontoxic Toys

Many of us leave holiday shopping for the kiddos until the last minute.  Why?  Well, because we know that Amazon Prime, every parent’s best friend, will get them to us in the nick of time.  Here, I’ve rounded up a few of our favorite eco-friendly, nontoxic toys from this year as well as years passed.  You can…

8 years ago

Last Minute Gifts & Shipping Deadlines

With the 12 DAYS OF GIVEAWAYS officially over, I thought I’d give you a few quick ideas for last-minute gifts.  I know you need some, and I know a lot of you still have a lot of shopping left to do (myself included – I AM the cobbler with no shoes).  I’m also including a few shipping…