10 years ago

Ursa Major: A Majorly Green Father’s Day

Richard and I recently tried an all-natural unisex skincare line called Ursa Major from Vermont and we really like it.  It is so refreshing to find products that we can both use, especially when we travel together.  I mean, that ziplock baggie is so darn small; why not pack just one face wash for the two of…

10 years ago

My Green Beauty Summer Must-Have’s

    Hey there, Bare Beauties.  Today, my friend, Chassity at Look Linger Love featured my Green Beauty Summer Must-Have’s.  Head on over there to check them out! Also, did you see that even the gals at the Zoe Report are converting to nontoxic beauty? In other news, did you know that over 75 food brands still line their…

10 years ago

Why You Should Sprinkle Sea Kelp on Everything

Happy Good For You Friday!  This is something I’ve been meaning to write about for, like, two years.  While I was pregnant, my sweet Aunt Kathleen sent me this article about iodine and how important it is for both fetal and early childhood neurodevelopment.  It literally makes a difference in IQ. Iodine is also essential for optimal thyroid…

10 years ago

For the Kiddos: Nontoxic Pacifiers

Ugh, I SWORE that Annabel wouldn’t be a pacifier-baby.  Actually, she wasn’t until she was six or seven months old.  Her teething was so unbearable, for all of us, that I just gave in; it was the only thing that helped.  Now that I am an experienced (?) mother, I realize that I have a happy, healthy,…

10 years ago

Verité: Truly Luxurious

      Happy Hump Day, Bare Beauties!  Lately, I’ve been trying to sloooow down.  Life has not allowed for much pampering lately, not even for my beloved weekly infrared sauna sesh‘ .  However, for the last two weeks, I made it my goal to get myself in a hot bath at least once a week, for just 20…

10 years ago

I’m Drunk On Marsala

  Happy June!  I’m always motivated by a new month and a new season.  It really feels like Summer here in Charleston, and I’m excited for a fresh start.  I’ve got so many awesome products to tell you about, even entirely new product lines.  My office is overflowing with boxes and ideas, but today I looked down…

10 years ago

Beautiful Charleston + Thoughtfully Magazine

Where have you been?!  Just kidding.  I know I haven’t been posting as regularly the last few weeks; it has been a great month, but between some fun social obligations and Annabel being out of school, I feel like I am getting nothing done.  Because I’m not.  I’ve been running around like crazy, but I can’t tell…