8 years ago

My Favorite Aromatherapy Candle

Did you think I extended my hiatus?!  I can’t seem to get much work done around here lately (I’m gonna blame Woody; I can’t stop kissing his sweet lil’ face), and Mother’s Day is just around the corner.  Have you given any thought to what you will give, or if you’re a mother, what you want to receive?…

8 years ago

Bare Beauty Journal: Life Lately

Well, hello, stranger!  You may have been wondering where I’ve been, or maybe you’ve been too busy to notice.  Either way, I kind of took an unplanned hiatus from the blog over the last two weeks.  I have about one thousand unanswered emails, my Google Analytics and Instagram engagement probably suffered a lot, and you know what?…

8 years ago

Earth Day + Some Deals

Happy Friday!  Earth Day is tomorrow, and I’m going to share a few deals with you, but first let’s take a second to honor Mother Earth.  We can all do our part to ease our burden on her without totally disrupting our lifestyle.  Little actions add up, good or bad, so here are some EASY things you can…

8 years ago

What’s in her Bag? Tara of Follain

In this week’s installment of What’s in Her Bag, I bring you Tara Foley of Follain.  Tara launched Follain in July 2013, as the healthy beauty retail alternative, and a catalyst for cleaning up the U.S. beauty industry. Before Follain, Tara researched safe and sustainable skincare, apprenticing on an organic lavender farm in France, and with a private…

8 years ago

April Beauty Heroes: Lilfox

How has another month gone by?  I almost missed the chance to tell you about the April Beauty Heroes Box!  I haven’t tried a new mask in a while so it was a delight to have the excuse to try two (!) with this month’s box.  Lilifox products are made by hand by founder Alexis Rose and…

8 years ago

Hey Mom, What’s for Dinner?

Is it me, or does everyone in your house need you, too, at 5pm?  One of the (many) challenges of having a toddler and an infant is dinnertime, especially during that in-between phase where friends are no longer bringing you dinner, but you don’t have your act together enough to cook that often, either.  We got tired…

8 years ago

Spring Cleaning with The Optimist Co.

So, how’s your spring cleaning going?  …yeah, mine, too.  It seems that for every item I get rid of, another appears at my doorstep in an Amazon Prime box.  I just can’t seem to win the war on clutter these days…  Obviously, Marie Kondo (The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) wrote her book before having children!  One thing…